30 April 2007

Canary Islands ~ Voyage West ~ Nov/Dec 06

On the return voyage from Israel after anchoring off Malta for two days, we had to alter course toward the Canary Islands for engine repair and crew change. We were there for 10 days with a lot of drama. I'm not sure if I can give all the details so I will just tell of the fun times.

(Kris P looking through the engine cylinder)

I love the picture above. Kris P praying in the engine room. It was the story of our time in Tenerife. Every waking moment we were in prayer for our ship, the crew and our situation. God always answers, even if it's not how we were expecting.

(In Tenerife, Canary Islands)

This was my favorite street in town. At night they have all the streets lit up with different lights and this was the coolest. Pictures never do any justice but it was so beautiful.

Mr Hatt and Mr Trice took Debi and I out for dinner before they left, and I actually ate caviar for the first time. After fishing in Alaska and having the guys squish eggs out of the salmon, its just not something that interests me. A delicacy? I don't understand. We did have a good time and were able to see more of the town.

(De Tenerife)

Geoff, James, Jonathan and I hiked nearly to the top of this mountain to get a good look at the town from afar.

I was able to celebrate my 21st birthday in the Islands. I was working all day so didn't get to get off the ship; but the galley made Kristin (who's birthday is the same as mine) and I both a cake and we had candles. :) It was the best birthday I can remember having in a very long time. We of course aren't allowed to drink alcohol on the ship, so the next best thing was a pink Gatorade I was given.

(Plotting our position as Officer in Training)

Two of our officers flew out from De Tenerife leaving us with one remaining. Captain Stan, David, Dess and Joel flew in to sail with with us the remaining portion of the voyage. Capt. Stan was our Chief Mate and I was able to stand a watch as officer in training. I LOVE sailing, but on the way home talk about the stress on the bridge. The first night as officer I threw up the whole 4 hours I was on watch. Thank God that 23 days later (after mooring in Lake Charles) the stress had worn off.

(Bow of the Spirit of Grace)

02 January 2007 we arrived home in Lake Charles after four months of... ...Well... ....I don't think there is even a word in the dictionary that would describe those four months. I have the best memories of the Israel trip, yet also the worst. There were so many good time, yet I had many opportunities to grow and cling to God as my help. I thank my Abba for caring enough to give me a good pruning once in a while so that I will be able to bear more fruit. I wouldn't trade one moment I had for the world.

On 04 January I had to say goodbye to my friends and headed "home" to Arkansas. We all experienced so much together on that trip, it was like saying goodbye to your really close family and knowing that you would never see half of them again. Sad doesn't even come close to describing the feeling that day.

I had looked forward to this trip my entire time of being with Friend Ships. Nearly three years. I mean imagine… …The Holy Land… Once you’ve walked where Jesus walked surely you are a better and more spiritual person for the rest of your life... I came to realize that as wonderful as the trip was, that God is just as close to me in America or any other place, as He was in Israel. I don’t look back at the Israel/Canary Island trip as the MOST wonderful memory or experience. But I have just as fond a memories of the hard times in domestics, or being on deck carrying boxes of welding rod up and down a gangway in the middle of the Louisiana summer. The hard times are what have given me character; they have made me into who I am today. I guess what I am trying to say is that yes, the road to get to where you are going is just as or more important as the final destination. And I hope I will always remember that.

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