30 April 2007

Haiti trip #2 ~ May/June 06

(One of my favorite pictures ever)

(Ballet class in the "hospital")

In May I made my second trip to Haiti on M/V MerSea. Sarah (my sister) joined Friend Ships and was able to come with us on this trip. We had three weeks of medical and childrens outreaches. Upon arriving I knew I would be working with the children but had no idea I would be put in charge of the girls children's ministry, I couldn't have done it without my sister. At the beginning of the day I was able to give a short ballet class to the Haitian girls, this of course was very special to me because before I joined Friendships I wanted to join a dance ministry but couldn't find anything that seemed to suit me. I had no idea almost three years later I would be teaching in a foreign country. Childrens ministry was a lot of work with sometimes over 200 children, but all the hugs, kisses, laughter and smiles make me want to do it a thousand times more. God has giving me a special love and burden for the Haitian people that I haven't felt for anyone else.

(Sarah, Jerry and I off loading buckets of rice)

(Sarah and I with our BEAUTIFUL children)

While we were in Haiti, for lunch the galley girls would make soup for the patients and some other food for the crew and the Haitian men working on the hospital that was being built. My sister Sarah and I worked with the girls doing bible stories, teaching ballet, playing games, giving out cereal and teddy bears and doing other things. This one day Murray did a story for us because we didn't have one prepared. It was the story of the fish and the bread. (John 6:1-.15) How God was able to feed the whole crowd with just two fish and five loaves of bread. We told the story to nearly two hundred children and then went on to games. A couple of the ladies from the food department came and told me they were going to get about 10 of the smallest girls and feed them because they had a little leftover from lunch. So they went and were fed. When they still had some more food left, they came and got about 15 more. Still more food so they came and got about 30 more kids. After this happened a couple of times we put them all in the food line and were able to fed every single one of them, some of them twice. There had to have been at least 200 kids. And there was still food left! God is so amazing! This could have happened any other day, but it didn't, it happened the day we told the story of the fish and bread. God is so amazing. ...That is just one story of how amazing God is.

Miss Sophia! The sweetest little girl I have ever met in my entire life. If she didn't have a family I would adopt her in a heartbeat. I love and miss her so much!

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