30 April 2007

Fishing in Alaska #2 ~ July/Aug 06

(My King Salmon)

In July and part of August I was able to make my second trip to Alaska for another season of salmon fishing. The fishing wasn't that great (as you can see from a half empty tote) but my best friend Amanda and I had a BLAST meeting all kinds of people and doing random things to keep ourselves entertained for the summer.
(Best friend Amanda and I)
I look at this picture and miss fishing so much. I don't know why but I actually enjoyed laying in the fish. And yes now you all know that I really am crazy. We had so much fun!
The season was slow so we had a lot of free time. Amanda and I started our DnA (Danette and Amanda) of God ministry. One day we decided to go to the retirement home, bring bouquets of flowers and sing them Amazing Grace. Well, I like to sing but I'm not good enough to just go out and sing to someone. Well, now Amanda LOVES to sing! And I don't know why God didn't give her the voice of an angel, but she can't carry a note to save her life. (Amanda, I love you so much!!) So anyways, we're at the retirement home and I don't remember if we had sung to some others already or if this was our first one. It doesn't really matter. Anyways, so we knock on a door and this sweet lady finally answers, has her TV blasting and is talking really loud, she's like sorry I can't hear very well! I look at Amanda and I'm like "sing your heart out! She can't hear you anyways." We did an awful job and after we left we just lost it. I still think about it and laugh.

(Only half way up the mountain)

Amanda, Skyler, his little brother and I hiked "Skyline". I don't even remember how high up it was or how long it took us to get there, but it was a hike! Straight up and into the snow. It wasn't a lot of snow but it was flipping cold. I thought I was going to die by the time we had reached the top and then came all the way back down. It wouldn't have been so hard if I hadn't sprained my ankle a couple weeks back; but that gave me just a bit of a challenge on the descent trying to remain on my feet.
I managed to do a pretty good job except for the time Amanda and I were picking raspberries over this hill. I was leaning a bit to far over the embankment and started to fall, it was the slow motion kind; where you think you can stop yourself but you don't succeed. So I fall into the raspberry patch down this hill wondering why Amanda didn't grab my shirt or something. I just look up and ask why she didn't help me or at least try. She says, well, you always recover so gracefully so I was just waiting to see how you got out of this one.

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