Well, a person could say that I’m being pulled in two totally different directions. Everything within myself wants to return to the comfort of the states, where I don’t have to see the suffering of these precious people, where I can go about my merry way and pretend life is a piece of cake and is all about having fun. The other part of me, and unfortunately the desire is much smaller, wants to stay and try to help even just a little. It just seems as though the need is so great, and what am I actually going to do that’s going to make any sort of differents?
I keep reminding myself that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity I’ve been handed, that I have always wanted to come to Africa, and here I am right in the middle of Nigeria. My best friend Amanda will be coming in a couple of weeks so I plan on staying until my original departure date of May 15th. We don’t have any scheduled plans of what our ministry will be, but there is so much need here and there isn’t one good reason for me to return to the states. I also see some great opportunities to learn some things from the Nigerians as well.
The three years I spent with Friend Ships were some of the hardest times in my life. But it was also the best thing that ever happened to me, it was actually the best time of my life. Fishing in Alaska is hard and I hate it, but it’s also one of the things I love and some of my best memories. American Cruise Lines was a terrible time, but I learned a lot and met some amazing people, I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. I wouldn’t trade anything I’ve ever been through for a smoother time.
I am always one to say that the hard times are the best in the end. They are the things you remember for life, the things that make you strong. That when things come easy, you don’t really appreciate them all that much.
I have been here now 3 weeks and already have memories I will never forget. I know this journey won’t be easy, and I’m not even saying that I’m going to love every minute of it. But for some strange reason I happen to be all the way over here in this place called Africa; and I’m going to try and take something out of each day that I will have for the rest of my life.
God truly is amazing! Here in Africa its harmattan, or the dry season as we call it. The winds are blowing sand/dust from the Sahara dessert and I haven’t seen sky since leaving London. Well, tonight as we were walking outside, Bill pointed out that you could see a couple stars… I looked up and saw Oran’s Belt… I couldn’t believe it. Several of these stars happen to be very special to me, and it was just a sweet little reminder that even though I am so far from home, I am still under the same sky as everyone back in America. It felt as if I were near to “home”. God always knows what you need and when you need it. I just don’t know why I can’t seem to trust Him all the time.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I didn’t run through the market in my bikini, somehow Christy managed to twist my arm enough and before I knew it I was standing up in front of her class giving a little spill about a chapter in the bible. Sometimes it seems as though God just likes to see me out of my comfort zone. I feel like I’ve spent a majority of my life there, but then I guess I’m not supposed to be comfortable in this world because I’m just passing through.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has sent e-mails and left me comments. It has meant the world to me! I wish I could send each of you a personal message back, but it takes me about 20 minutes to even log into my mail account. I love you all and appreciate your prayers! Rebekah, thank you so much for posting my blogs! (And I love your baby girls so very much! …I really do!)
I keep reminding myself that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity I’ve been handed, that I have always wanted to come to Africa, and here I am right in the middle of Nigeria. My best friend Amanda will be coming in a couple of weeks so I plan on staying until my original departure date of May 15th. We don’t have any scheduled plans of what our ministry will be, but there is so much need here and there isn’t one good reason for me to return to the states. I also see some great opportunities to learn some things from the Nigerians as well.
The three years I spent with Friend Ships were some of the hardest times in my life. But it was also the best thing that ever happened to me, it was actually the best time of my life. Fishing in Alaska is hard and I hate it, but it’s also one of the things I love and some of my best memories. American Cruise Lines was a terrible time, but I learned a lot and met some amazing people, I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. I wouldn’t trade anything I’ve ever been through for a smoother time.
I am always one to say that the hard times are the best in the end. They are the things you remember for life, the things that make you strong. That when things come easy, you don’t really appreciate them all that much.
I have been here now 3 weeks and already have memories I will never forget. I know this journey won’t be easy, and I’m not even saying that I’m going to love every minute of it. But for some strange reason I happen to be all the way over here in this place called Africa; and I’m going to try and take something out of each day that I will have for the rest of my life.
God truly is amazing! Here in Africa its harmattan, or the dry season as we call it. The winds are blowing sand/dust from the Sahara dessert and I haven’t seen sky since leaving London. Well, tonight as we were walking outside, Bill pointed out that you could see a couple stars… I looked up and saw Oran’s Belt… I couldn’t believe it. Several of these stars happen to be very special to me, and it was just a sweet little reminder that even though I am so far from home, I am still under the same sky as everyone back in America. It felt as if I were near to “home”. God always knows what you need and when you need it. I just don’t know why I can’t seem to trust Him all the time.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I didn’t run through the market in my bikini, somehow Christy managed to twist my arm enough and before I knew it I was standing up in front of her class giving a little spill about a chapter in the bible. Sometimes it seems as though God just likes to see me out of my comfort zone. I feel like I’ve spent a majority of my life there, but then I guess I’m not supposed to be comfortable in this world because I’m just passing through.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has sent e-mails and left me comments. It has meant the world to me! I wish I could send each of you a personal message back, but it takes me about 20 minutes to even log into my mail account. I love you all and appreciate your prayers! Rebekah, thank you so much for posting my blogs! (And I love your baby girls so very much! …I really do!)
Hey Danette,
Just read your blog and felt I needed to say this. I'm glad to hear that you are going to stay until Amanda gets there. I know it is hard and you have said yourself that thats where you have learn't the most. You are a very tough lady but somethings can only be done in God's strenth and not our own. Remember our talk on the Grace bow coming back from Israel about tears and orphans. I want to encourage you to stick it out and to make a decision between Gods will or Danettes will, I beleive that you are where you are ment to be and the things that you have learnt in other places have brought you to where you are right now. Going home will make things easier right now but you will always wonder what would have it been like if I had stayed. I know lots of people are or will say that it is o.k. to come home, but you will regret it if you do. Do what ever it takes to stay
Get rid of the map of home on your computer, punch your pillow, hey you can even blame me. Just hang in there.
I am glad you are staying. I was/am more than ready to open my home to you, but I am happier that you are staying - and it didn't even take any pep talks from me!!!
I can't wait to hear about how this time has totally changed your life. You could start potty-training those babies! There is this thing called EC (elimination communication). Whenever they go, make a sound for a week or two. This will condition them to associate that sound with the release, and then start making that sound (maybe use water on their bellies to help with the release at first) and see if they will start going. This will help with the messes!
I know you can do this (stay in Africa) - even if Amanda weren't coming. You aren't a quitter... you seem to always pass with flying colors! I can't imagine what God thinks of you! He is WAY more proud than I am!
Hey beautiful girl! I am so proud of you, you have no idea!! You are one tough chick, and I respect you so much!! I know it won't be hard, so I am praying for you!! When I read about you seeing Orion's Belt I nearly cried because of everything associated with them. Those same stars have brought me so many comforts when we are apart, and good memories when we are together. Anyway, gotta run. By the time you check this again I might be on the same side of the world as you. We'll be neighbors. Take care, love you so much!!
ooops.... that's supposed to say "I know it WILL be hard"... not won't...
Murray! You would not believe how often I think of our talks on the Israel trip! Thank you!
And Debi, I wish I could call you! You are going to have a wonderful time in Israel! You'll be there in one week. Oh my gosh! Swing by and see me if you get a chance! Ha!
Love you all and did you know that to was just a great day!
I know you don´t know me but I read your blog and I´ll be praying for you. I´ve been to Nigeria with the Wilson´s and the orphanage. I was there 3 months and it was very hard but worthwhile. I understand the first impression you might get when you see those children dirty and so needy. But God can change your heart and He will sustain you through your time there. Glad to hear you will have some company soon. God bless you and hang in there. Remember God won´t give us anything we can´t handls and He is growing you in an amazing way.
I am so happy to hear that Amanda is going to come join you. I love reading the wisdom of your posts...you are really a lot stronger than you are giving yourself credit for! We are still praying for you and I know God will honor your decision to stay until May as you originally had planned...I can't wait to read your blog 6 months from now when you write about all the amazing things God taught you after you decided to stay in Nigeria!!! We love you! By the way, it's a boy! Tyson the 4th was born on Jan. 31 at home without a hitch. Can't wait for you to see him. Love,Joi
JOI! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see your little boy in May. Love you so much!
Josh and I have long been fond of Orion's Belt. I saw it the other night and said good night to you!
Danette, you are so precious. Your updates are beautiful. You've got so much figured out girl. Trust God. Don't live for the easy stuff. He is faithful. And He is doing a great work in you.
Love you princess.
Jim & Kristin
hey danette...I read your last blog when you posted it and it really impacted me. I carried the children in my heart for a very long time. As a matter of fact they are still in my heart and I have been praying for the children and all of you all. I printed out your blog and I read it to Janet Dones and it really impacted her. Your transparency is extremely important for people to read because you are voicing what is already in people's hearts and maybe they haven't realized it yet. So as you walk through this and share your experiences, your testimony will actually cause people to have hope in their situations. Your life is a tremendous testimony, not because you are perfect but because you are imperfect and are daily in need of your Savior. That's the testimony people need to hear so they too can be changed. I always grow through hearing people share transparently, it helps me to examine my own heart. Just continue to be who you are because that's who God designed you to be and who we all need. Love you, paula
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