22 November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving ~ Nov 07

Happy Thanksgiving!

My very sweet niece Rebekah. I love her so much!

I am so thankful for second chances. For Gods forgiveness and everlasting love. For lessons learned, no matter how hard they were or how long they lasted. I'm so thankful for my family always being there for me. For opportunities to go and see amazing things. For the ability to work, to travel and to sail. For feet to dance with and arms to give hugs with. I'm thankful for friends to love and laugh with and for the ability to make more. I'm thankful for ice cream and pizza. For flowers and their beautiful smell. For rain and sunshine and for all the seasons of the year. For smiling faces and a babies laughs. I'm thankful for the open ocean while sitting on the bow of a ship and for the salt water in my face. I'm thankful for silence and for ears to hear. For the stars in the sky. For jeans and flip-flops and for everyday life. I'm thankful for YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey my Sweet Danette,

Joel said I looked like you because I started wearing hoop earrings that I made. Hehe.

Just wanted to see how you were doing and let you know you are warmth on my heart when I see you or read your thoughts. PRaise GOd for God eh!!!

It has been a hard season for all. Praise God he is in the middle of it.

Love you my Friend,
Dessy Doo