01 July 2007

To be an example ~ July 07

There’s something about getting underway that brings a smile to my face.

So, life on the American Star is not quite as horrific as it had been the first two weeks. We are always working so it actually makes the weeks go by pretty fast. Only 9 more more left to go. 62 days. Not that I am really counting or anything.

I haven’t found my Christian friend yet, so I am having to be the example on my own... It was so easy at Friend Ships because everyone there was a Christian already and I didn’t have to set any examples. Here everyone knows I’m a Christian and it feels as though they are all watching every move and just waiting for me to make mistakes. That seems to be the hardest part now…
God actually gave me my laugh back this past week. It was gone for quite some time, but has finally returned. There are six of us on the deck crew and we all seem to get along pretty well, this makes for a more pleasant day. They don’t understand why I am always laughing, of course neither do I. I’m just happy to not be quite as miserable.


Joshs_Rebekah said...

Hey Danette,

I was just reading a biography about Francis Schaeffer. Anyway, one time he was upset because he was supposed to set an example and messed up. He was beating himself up about it, and the people who saw him mess up gave him grief for it. HOWEVER, he was reminded that it isn't so much that he messed up, but how he responded to messing up that mattered. Does that make sense?

No matter how perfect you think you can be, your response to situations is what people will remember. Did you blow up and make the hole even deeper? Are did you give it over to God, and make things right?

Just some thoughts...


Joshs_Rebekah said...

Oh, I forgot to mention...I am SO HAPPY you have your laugh back! That means your twinkle is back, also!

God is good,


Joshs_Rebekah said...


Shalom is a SHE!!!


Anonymous said...

We love looking at your blog and hearing all of the things that are going on! Thanks for sharing how God is working in your life!
We are glad that they are finally seeing the skills that we all know you haved!!!

The Pratts
Psalm 118:242