21 June 2007

Curtis Island ~ June 07

(Curtis Island)

This is the most beautiful island I have ever seen. I want to live in that cute little home and man the lighthouse. I'll get myself a little sailboat and pretend like I'm all salty and the princess of my island.. It's all just a dream.

Though I’m not in Prince Edward Islands I feel as though I could be Anne of Green Gables. The Lake of Shining Waters as she would say. I was on the helm this morning, the water was flat calm and the sun was hitting it just right. It was like a million diamonds, the Lake of Shining Waters now has a whole new meaning to me. It’s beautiful up here in Maine.

My days are long and I’m still counting down to the 1st of September. I am trying to look for the good in this job and have actually found two things; one, the weather is not hot at all. And two, I can have as much ice cream as often as I want. That makes me happy.

Yesterday I was on the shore boat for most of the day transporting passengers to and from the ship. The weather was actually pretty miserable, but I was having the time of my life. It was rainy and freezing but it felt as though I could be up in Alaska fishing. That was the first time I actually has a genuine smile on my face since starting this job.

1 comment:

Joshs_Rebekah said...


I am so glad things are turning around for you. Did you know that Ginny Owens song got me through the first Israel trip when I was away from Josh? It helped a WHOLE lot.

I am going thru Ruth's Israel/baby clothes. Kind of sad...all that RUST!

Love Rebekah