Life is a roller coaster! And I cannot believe it has been five months since I last updated this. For starters, I LIVE IN ALASKA! And I love it! I have been here now for nearly half a year! I love this beautiful state, I love the mountains and the trees and the gorgeous flowers and just the beautifulness of it all. It literally takes my breath away. The air is so fresh and crisp and no matter what things I might be dealing with in my life, I can just sit on the beach with my fire, close my eyes and breath. And I know life is going to be okay. If God can put all this beautifulness in one place, I know he can take care of me.
My Alaskan adventure has been just that. An adventure. I wish I could say it has been amazing, but it has been a rough road. Thankfully, most of the times, rough roads are the things that you can look back on and see how it helped shape you and make you into a better person.
Things have not turn out quite exactly as I had hoped them to. I moved to Alaska with the hopes of living here the rest of my life. Hoping that I would finally be able to settle down and actually stay for a while. I'm just longing for that place to call "home". And Kenai has always been my "safe haven". When I feel lost in the world, I can always come to Kenai and it feels like home. It feels like I belong.
I'm not sure how to go about explaining this so it makes a little sense. But basically, my neighborhood is emotionally draining. (I know, try to understand that.) But I can't stay were I'm at. And now technically I could move to a different neighborhood and things would be a little different, but it's almost to the point where I just need to get out of town to be able to clear my head. To be able to think clearly.
And honestly, what better place than Hawaii right? A little surfing and sun is so good for the soul! I decided to take a little break from everything to get my life back on track. Collect my thoughts, remember who I am and what I am here for. God has a purpose.
For those of you that have read my blog along the way, you might remember me talking about going to Australia to be a part of Youth With A Mission. Well, I ended up not doing that but going to cosmetology school in Missouri instead. Anyway, YWAM (Youth With A Mission) has a base in Kona, Hawaii and I applied to go as a Mission Builder for a couple of months. Just found out I got accepted and am pretty stoked! I'll be in Alaska for another month to watch summer give way to winter and give the girls at the salon some time to find my replacement. But then I'll be on my way. I'm hoping after Hawaii I'll have a little direction as to whats next. God hasn't ever left me hanging, so I'm guessing He has something amazing for me ahead.
so exciting!!! i can't wait to see how awesome your life is in hawaii
as always, living vicariously through you- April
I loved your blog. You are such an encouragement to me. I like how you always look on the bright side. I know God has an amazing plan for your life and you will find that special place to call home and settle down.
Love you bunches!!
Thank you guys! Thanks Mom! Love you!
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