It wont come as a shock to most, but i am back in Alaska for the 8th time! Its only been four months since i was last here, but it seems as though it has been much too longer.
The day I arrived I found a sweet car for $700. Yes, it looks like it may fall apart at any second, but it drives like a dream. :) It only took me a week and a half to find a place to live and get moved in. One of my dear friends was gracious enough to let me stay with her until I could find a place (Thank you K!). I have been working nonstop at the salon and loving it! It's been so great to be back and see my Alaskan friends! I smile at the mountains and I'm convinced they smile back. Maybe I sound crazy, but there is something about this place that makes me feel a little more relaxed. The air is lighter and it just smells crisp and clean. I can't wait to get out and do some hiking and fishing!
And in other news, sometimes I cannot believe this is my life! Life really is what you make it. Backpacking Europe has been at the top of my bucket list for about 6 years. And i knew if i didn't make it happen now while I'm still young it was never going to happen. Amy and I have just purchased one way tickets to Europe!!! WE ARE REALLY GOING TO EUROPE!!!!!
We will be leaving Anchorage, Alaska August 26th and have a a ten hour layover in Iceland! We are very excited to check out Reykjavik for a couple of hours! Then onto Barcelona, Spain where we will officially kick off this two month adventure!!! (All my dear European friends I met in Hawaii, I want to see you all!!!!)
I dreamt last night we had just landed in Europe and it was mad chaos, we had brought so much stuff with us that mascara, eyeliner and curling iron cords were just falling out of our backpacks. We looked like a hot mess! So in reality, very minimal of that stuff is going to make it into my backpack! I've been making a list of things I'm willing to haul around with me everyday for 2 months. I think I will even amaze myself at how little a person can get away with. I want to take the very least that I can. :) Though I've already changed my mind from NO flat iron to my MINI flat iron. I can't look like a hobo the whole time I am there. :)